#Qanon Weekend Update Jimmy and Katie G 7:30 EST

from Citizens Investigative Report



@00:24:35 lol poke top dog yeah i saw that map see

Las Vegas

@00:07:28 washington state in las vegas colorado

Able Danger

@00:27:24 i've heard able danger talk up in the


@00:19:45 about the awan for others because he


@00:11:47 we'll be able to see the spacex launch
@00:11:59 it i don't know spacex can i zoom a long
@00:36:15 you don't like spacex bullshit but now
@00:48:22 get mo spacex launch was boring huh


@00:04:47 talking about sessions jason oh i know


@00:02:43 over twitter before i ever even i never
@00:02:48 over twitter so it's not like i released
@00:12:34 it was it meant potus personal twitter
@00:36:57 twitter i wasn't the first one and so

Seth Rich

@00:23:11 about seth rich you know something about

Pizza gate

@00:49:19 friend over there that talks about pizza
@00:49:21 gate quit being so mean to the a times

North Korea

@00:46:04 an mp think about north korea that's


@00:42:47 let's show me the proof that zacks fake
@00:47:15 proof is hard to get it's usually