Trump Just Activated The Economic Reset, It Has Begun - Episode 1892a

from X22Report



@00:04:13 landscape of us-china trade
@00:05:12 was gonna be going after china he had to
@00:05:17 to have china be the manufacturing china
@00:05:36 placed tariffs on china and china
@00:05:49 he went and before he went after china
@00:05:52 so china they're going to try to hold
@00:08:16 the quote from the south china post the
@00:08:22 china retaliatory tariffs will now
@00:09:19 away from china what are we seeing i
@00:09:36 zone that is now china why do you think
@00:10:03 business as things go forward china
@00:10:17 pull out of china and invest in these

Deep state

@00:00:53 we've learned the truth behind the deep
@00:00:55 state and its attempt to undermine