Know Your Rights In Pursuit of Truth Presents 5 4 20

from In Pursuit of Truth



@00:04:01 mccabe brennan comey shift etc and their

Bill Gates

@00:29:49 project that's another bill gates


@00:11:15 towards dealing with iran but i think


@00:04:01 mccabe brennan comey shift etc and their


@00:04:01 mccabe brennan comey shift etc and their
@00:09:47 are we talking about james comey here is
@00:09:49 james comey locked on target and is that
@00:10:00 roses red is comey on target there is
@00:10:03 comey helping us lock on target to


@00:23:55 of indictments come along now hopefully
@00:24:09 any public indictments such as near the
@00:27:04 hopefully it drop these indictments or

William Barr

@00:24:06 about attorney general barr said there

Deep state

@00:30:54 pritzker is straight-up deep state
@00:30:57 knucklehead long time family of deep
@00:31:00 state knuckleheads and of course they
@00:31:03 are deep as deep get this guy's
@00:33:51 deep state knucklehead that i also bring


@00:03:50 11:00 we get a twitter status oddly
@00:10:13 get a twitter status to garrett
@00:10:15 zimmerman on twitter who links this
@00:16:10 the hour at 12:00 we get a twitter
@00:28:44 get a twitter status - the disruptive
@00:29:06 why would twitter block people who
@00:30:04 twitter status is to mike pompeo be sure
@00:33:48 a twitter status - daily caller
@00:35:37 tech review link on twitter and ki says
@00:37:46 oh it's 1492 we get a twitter status -