Very Strong Signals Being Sent, The Plan Is The Ultimate Plan - Episode 1733a

from X22Report



@00:02:02 trump has been tweeting out about china
@00:02:15 a real deal with china and this is all
@00:02:32 deal either now or into the future china
@00:02:38 signals being sent by china once they
@00:03:05 china once they returned home now
@00:03:20 believe that was going to be china
@00:04:03 saying they're a worse threat than china
@00:05:24 why he's working now to deal with china
@00:09:15 now with china making a deal making sure
@00:09:18 that china is going to be purchasing our
@00:09:23 and china will also be shipping products

Deep state

@00:06:54 deep state going after certain