The Guilty Are Screaming Louder And Louder, There Is No Escape - Episode 1617b

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@00:04:44 with china and russia they are becoming
@00:12:45 areas and russia china they've been


@00:11:40 leave syria until iran is removed from


@00:01:56 former cia director john brennan who
@00:15:26 individuals like comey and brennan and


@00:04:04 that he actually called out george soros
@00:04:22 soros as an example of someone who
@00:04:30 should also hold george soros
@00:04:32 accountable for everything soros has


@00:14:19 antifa and the rest to riot to say this


@00:01:39 interesting we see comey is calling for
@00:01:52 james comey is very worried we also have
@00:15:26 individuals like comey and brennan and


@00:15:39 to see the indictments they're going to

Deep state

@00:04:49 because they realize the deep state is
@00:08:27 right now as the deep state continually
@00:08:38 signs of peace because the deep state
@00:08:48 terrorists but now since the deep state
@00:10:50 the deep state actually they were
@00:12:59 further now once again the deep state is
@00:14:15 this will go on for quite a bit the deep
@00:14:17 state might even push individuals like
@00:16:04 be a nightmare now of course the deep
@00:16:06 state weather could under trying to do

North Korea

@00:12:39 north korea soon to be syria we're going