from TRUreporting


Deep state

@00:10:53 hit on the deep state my god i have not
@00:15:01 push something it's the deep state some
@00:17:13 something the deep state all of these
@00:19:28 oh i found out there's a deep state or


@00:30:27 their website go on to his twitter
@00:30:53 twitter account just look at the people
@00:34:14 twitter like they're checking it on
@00:34:16 twitter so they're saying hey she's not
@00:35:14 what your twitter is can they contact
@00:35:15 you i don't have twitter
@00:35:18 i'm not even on twitter you guys oh you
@00:35:20 got you got to get on twitter i know i
@00:35:29 lot of people stray from twitter and i
@00:38:27 getting banned so quickly on twitter
@00:38:46 if you're not on twitter get on twitter
@00:38:47 and follow me on twitter at true
@00:50:45 ahead write me on twitter and yeah
@00:50:51 twitter just my name honey fairy a the
@00:51:13 on twitter and maybe we can exchange
@00:51:51 see me on twitter and maybe we can

Pizza gate

@00:30:35 another pizza gate it's disgusting


@00:20:32 that with the miss being the mockingbird


@00:13:30 and then another one in mexico though i

Saudi Arabia

@00:13:09 all aware of the be refinery in saudi
@00:13:13 arabia supposedly i guess according to
@00:15:03 people say my saudi arabia on saudi
@00:15:05 arabia but we shall see my man i