Alex Jones & Steve Pieczenik discuss General Flynn's resignation

from prayingmedic



@00:02:13 the individuals to iran while i was
@00:08:10 iran needs to reconstitute its
@00:08:16 iran which is correct teleson
@00:08:18 understands iran understands the middle


@00:06:26 wrong with brennan what is his problem
@00:06:30 into brennan i mean brandon was an irish


@00:00:09 co-founded delta force with general


@00:00:26 can no longer understand that flynn was
@00:00:34 beginning that we put in flynn but it
@00:00:47 was flynn and ban in a bunch of others
@00:01:49 chief as a speaker and flynn knew very
@00:02:02 what in fact happened flynn did not
@00:02:18 impose a logan act on flynn or anyone

Saudi Arabia

@00:06:33 very bright he went to saudi arabia
@00:07:45 ally will be now saudi arabia israel
@00:07:53 together saudi arabia uae dubai all