Netanyahu Indicted, Glenn Beck the Satanist, Satanic Colorado Public Schools

from dnajlion7



@00:03:44 arrested jeffrey epstein guards arrested


@00:01:28 child sex trafficking cia here in the


@00:01:56 coming under indictments for corruption


@00:03:08 netanyahu is a saint kenneth pedophile
@00:03:15 pedophile i am accusing him of
@00:11:05 pedophile and satanist herself and he


@00:12:13 taking a huge deep underground military

Underground military base

@00:12:13 taking a huge deep underground military
@00:12:14 base down and the details i'm sure he'll

Pizza gate

@00:05:43 julian assange and exposing pizza gate

Saudi Arabia

@00:01:35 conjunction with the cabal and saudi
@00:01:37 arabia that funded everything those four
@00:02:08 cia the mossad and funded by saudi
@00:02:11 arabia that perpetuated 9/11 2001 and
@00:02:44 funded by saudi arabia all of those four
@00:03:19 the bush cabal and saudi arabia the