Clearing up the Memo Spin

from Tracy Beanz



@00:00:26 mccabe doesn't come into work he had
@00:01:18 so mccabe decides he's gonna go on
@00:02:30 don't want to lose that money mccabe is


@00:10:59 brennan said i'm sorry clapper said that
@00:14:23 about brennan sorry about that i skipped
@00:14:25 off a little bit but the spin brennan
@00:14:37 sorry clapper not brennan i keep saying


@00:26:06 about indictments folks lots of
@00:26:08 beautiful indictments now rex says i


@00:16:15 little letters on twitter i'm not even
@00:16:47 great twitter account adam schiff once
@00:18:39 twitter so all these journalists are
@00:19:28 how powerful twitter is for you guys who
@00:19:31 twitter is not effective and that you
@00:22:10 nonsense twitter it's right here thank
@00:28:37 twitter facebook account holders have
@00:29:38 enough for that follow me on twitter and

Inspector General

@00:05:03 inspector general report the 1.5 million


@00:11:30 no attempt by the doj fbi to gain a fisa
@00:11:56 assertion of no trump fisa warrant and
@00:12:09 of a previous application for fisa and
@00:12:19 extension of the original fisa requests
@00:12:31 obtained via the initial fisa requests
@00:13:21 justice getting fisa 702 surveillance
@00:13:46 dossier was used during an fbi fisa 702
@00:14:00 are 90 day increments then the fisa
@00:14:06 of any originating fisa basically trump
@00:15:29 accuracy actual fisa experts have
@00:15:52 altered fisa memo given to trump