In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon 3.4.18

from In Pursuit of Truth



@00:07:19 the the queue map i suggest that you go


@00:07:50 uranium one north korea
@00:08:17 the uranium out we'll see why is s are

Las Vegas

@00:01:57 why didn't las vegas change the news


@00:12:09 by george soros purpose watch the news


@00:12:05 do you think antifa was grown


@00:06:20 back in the news why why is sessions
@00:06:30 sessions for yy
@00:08:28 sessions acting weak he's definitely
@00:08:32 sessions is playing a game he's got that
@00:08:44 ig appointed by sessions for will see it


@00:02:45 right now facebook youtube twitter
@00:06:04 youtube facebook twitter russia icbm
@00:07:11 link google youtube facebook twitter
@00:11:52 trust youtube do you trust twitter

Seth Rich

@00:07:04 it's the murder of seth rich i don't

false flag

@00:01:51 out of the news cycle define false flag

North Korea

@00:01:48 schmidt leave google why has north korea
@00:02:21 north korea out of a news cycle so not
@00:07:50 uranium one north korea


@00:04:08 morning actually regarding the mkultra
@00:04:17 drugged up what can i say and mkultra