Paul Furber Decodes Youtube Channel That Predicted Qanon Operation

from Sean Morgan



@00:16:37 like brennan comey mccabe page struck


@00:23:59 players like china and america and all


@00:12:13 who'd been an informant against epstein
@00:12:50 seem like trump was coating with epstein


@00:06:32 war between iran and israel then there


@00:00:04 q and on and coronavirus get the free
@00:23:38 know when we were discussing coronavirus


@00:16:37 like brennan comey mccabe page struck


@00:05:46 the riots are to do with soros and obama
@00:07:49 look at what george soros has been doing
@00:13:25 riots soros and obama just having a look
@00:21:27 a kodak you dog whistle for george soros
@00:21:36 you have soros the the sworn enemy of


@00:08:23 themselves communists marxist and antifa
@00:19:08 antifa has only been mapped out so all
@00:19:14 fide track and antifa was dosed years
@00:19:32 infiltrated on antifa for about four or
@00:20:20 completely dots but then antifa won't


@00:16:37 like brennan comey mccabe page struck


@00:15:08 unsealing of indictments that would take
@00:16:10 indictments fairly soon and the next
@00:16:32 indictments start getting unsealed and
@00:22:54 rounding up well there's indictments is

William Barr

@00:16:08 bar is going to start rolling out

Deep state

@00:06:26 for the deep state planning how they
@00:13:28 at here is a video called deep state
@00:14:23 interesting one deep state militia kicks
@00:14:28 deeps takes synagogue was deep state
@00:14:31 caravan was the deep state you know the
@00:17:49 the deep state can really do about it
@00:22:57 whatever the deep state has planned well


@00:04:22 on twitter and there was so there was a
@00:19:56 i don't if you saw that twitter account
@00:20:05 took the twitter chance of pretty much

false flag

@00:14:37 shooting with a false flag and then you

Saudi Arabia

@00:22:17 plan for example saudi arabia for