Police State Rising To Control The People During The Economic Collapse- Episode 348

from X22Report



@00:25:43 which china also claims sovereignty so
@00:26:05 japan is out there and china that's why
@00:26:12 directive is to provoke china let's see
@00:26:51 stand china is supporting the rebels and
@00:43:42 belonged to the china arms manufacturer
@00:43:47 nor rinko so they're implicating china
@00:44:42 up we have two chemical attacks china is


@00:14:35 tracking grid map to make sure yes this


@00:26:18 right now with syria and iran and the


@00:16:33 personal twitter account just like the
@00:40:35 youtube oh wait twitter we will see the

false flag

@00:34:38 just a false flag event to get to their
@00:42:48 will be the false flag event that i've
@00:45:17 know that a false flag is coming listen


@00:14:46 transferred to canada and to mexico