V Pool - Red Shoes Edition Feat. Podesta Art, AC, Kauders

from Citizens Investigative Report



@00:41:51 photo collage posted reference to mccain

Human trafficking

@00:30:54 human trafficking back in the day and
@00:37:52 human trafficking see dan is a website
@00:38:19 sources of human trafficking since 1991
@00:38:52 one of the world's biggest human
@00:38:54 trafficking hotbeds we have pictures of


@00:05:00 russia and a lot of coverage of iran but


@00:30:54 human trafficking back in the day and
@00:32:25 van der bilt's ran the trafficking out
@00:37:52 human trafficking see dan is a website
@00:38:19 sources of human trafficking since 1991
@00:38:54 trafficking hotbeds we have pictures of


@00:37:33 soros back to group and then there's a
@00:37:34 link here soros ran us foreign policy on
@00:38:47 prostitution he also worked with soros

Spirit cooking

@00:18:04 campaign manager john podesta spirit
@00:18:07 cooking and then here's another kid tied


@00:08:58 society chai delta theta which is also


@00:35:41 the most disgusting pedophile procure

Pizza gate

@00:17:29 following the wikileaks pizza gate
@00:26:48 investigated pizza gate to any degree
@00:42:02 there if you've studied pizza gate for


@00:00:52 operation mockingbird and you know the


@00:27:54 mexico to pawn shop where i was
@00:28:15 mexico the word milagro means miracle or

Saudi Arabia

@00:05:02 not saudi arabia why do you think human
@00:05:05 rights violations in saudi arabia are