U.S. May Retaliate With Real Weapons If Cyber Attacked - Episode 667
from X22Report
uploaded on May 15, 2015
@00:03:29 the russia china help out with their
@00:33:24 we have the problem with china rising
@00:34:12 with china and the concerns that we have
@00:34:37 are containing china and you can see
@00:34:40 they're provoking china in that area
@00:40:54 north korea china russia iran the syrian
@00:42:37 other cyber attacks from russia china
@00:43:01 figure it out and with russia and china
@00:44:26 the u.s. is already at war with china
@00:44:45 is already at war with china and russia
@00:45:31 china attacked us with the islamic state
@00:46:09 started between russia china the middle