IT BEGINS! Trump Rolls Out Last Minute Surprise!

from Truth and Art TV



@00:21:54 doctor robert epstein suggests his


@00:20:52 simple and then we have this iran
@00:21:12 livestream and look at the timing iran
@00:21:24 is like it says here iran has claimed

William Barr

@00:13:22 a week calls for a william bar to recuse

Deep state

@00:05:02 are they trolling the deep state is this
@00:06:52 a deep state what what is this someone
@00:15:57 by this deep state hack and claiming


@00:23:59 you know and come to my twitter account


@00:04:23 another proof trump and q announce
@00:04:37 proof will the question be s will it be