deleted Q Panic in DC, Follow the Money - Follow the Family Connections

from Dustin Nemos



@00:03:35 but durham however seems to be
@00:03:39 and durham is not a flop so
@00:03:46 what did we learn this week durham true
@00:03:50 durham takeover of huber select parks
@00:04:09 so maybe durham is the silent
@00:04:46 something about john durham here again i
@00:04:52 will go to john durham not nsd they're
@00:04:53 upset about the case going to durham
@00:05:12 about durham being the one chosen for


@00:12:54 epstein

Human trafficking

@00:13:18 human trafficking for blackmail purposes


@00:11:06 oh man probably child trafficking front
@00:13:18 human trafficking for blackmail purposes


@00:20:29 advertisements to bail out antifa
@00:20:32 okay uh pro antifa ads i don't
@00:21:21 antifa and blm and all of this


@00:09:59 september 12 2016. james comey was not
@00:10:04 relationship with peter comey in his
@00:10:42 so q says peter comey brother to james
@00:10:44 comey clinton foundation
@00:18:51 comey clinton foundation
@00:19:05 peter comey at dla piper all of this has
@00:19:13 james comey is a traitor with that said


@00:03:13 assigned by sessions with the same
@00:04:05 sessions with the same mandate and
@00:04:14 maybe sessions also mandated someone

Deep state

@00:00:16 of the deep state that's our family time
@00:00:48 plus it deep cleans and destroys acne to
@00:00:53 the deep state has its secrets i have
@00:05:34 where the deep state players could log
@00:13:27 deep state swamp intelligence agencies


@00:11:50 says it's a pedophile but we're the

North Korea

@00:05:30 in north korea he was helping them set
@00:06:34 from north korea and the gmail thing


@00:03:21 we're referencing huber here so this was
@00:03:23 back when hubert was thought to be the
@00:03:50 durham takeover of huber select parks
@00:04:21 you know huber failed right