In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.6.18/2 Part 2

from In Pursuit of Truth



@00:09:08 don't say is john mccain clearly set


@00:03:22 march 6 2008 eeen south china morning
@00:03:51 in the states but i know that china
@00:03:59 deals with china in exchange for him i


@00:00:12 trump's own twitter account amazing

Red october

@00:08:04 stalingrad called the red october steel


@00:04:38 himself this was when the parkland

North Korea

@00:00:24 was this did we decide it was north
@00:00:27 korea well at the time we did decide it
@00:00:30 was north korea if you remember 111 days
@00:01:06 time if you remember now north korea was
@00:01:30 is that quite simply our north korea is
@00:01:49 now number two if north korea is armed
@00:02:10 you go did we decide it was north korea