Trump Defines New Red Line- "Presidential Harassment Track" In Threat!

from Truth and Art TV



@00:14:44 you know straight from china and all
@00:16:32 reorganizing and then q says china china
@00:16:35 china all open access pay-for-play that
@00:17:04 that's facebook china building 8 google
@00:17:08 china dragonfly which we talked about


@00:09:09 that sent pallets of cash to iran and


@00:20:00 you says think cia brennan authorized

Deep state

@00:02:49 styer knowing that tom styer is a deep
@00:02:51 state operative and you had trump jr.
@00:06:10 confronting them watching deep state
@00:14:33 no term limits and you know the deep
@00:14:36 state got to her all this special
@00:17:16 three giants all working for the deep
@00:17:19 state we know that that is why they're
@00:17:21 still alive and thriving the deep state
@00:20:32 was given over to the deep state so that


@00:00:58 the cue drops equals trump twitter
@00:06:49 media reinforcing it her twitter account
@00:06:56 twitter account shows you the leftist
@00:17:11 yesterday twitter us leg track so the
@00:17:42 gps voice and tech's twitter track user
@00:19:09 yeah these facebook twitter google and


@00:09:56 underground movement they don't want to


@00:12:10 fisa the the commander in chief said he
@00:12:13 would declassify fisa warrant


@00:15:15 thought-provoking and it's proof that q