Osama bin Laden Is Out And The White Widow Is In, The New Face Of Terror -- Episode 173

from X22Report



@00:22:20 now russia and china are holding
@00:30:26 meantime russia and china are out there
@00:32:04 the dollar china is now setting up a
@00:32:11 clearing house outside of china and this


@00:29:39 malley all rich with uranium gold oil
@00:29:44 kenya has oil uranium and gold and um


@00:30:44 iran north korea and they're making
@00:34:20 are trying to develop it iran is they


@00:17:33 facebook twitter or youtube and this
@00:17:46 facebook twitter or youtube you fall

false flag

@00:27:26 of a false type of flag that is going on
@00:29:25 we know that there was a false flag type
@00:35:37 chemical weapons attack false flag

North Korea

@00:30:44 iran north korea and they're making

Saudi Arabia

@00:29:16 and saudi arabia and yemen and they have