Q ANON: Latest New Posts. Exposes MSM Clowns?

from JustInformed Talk ™️



@00:03:22 olympics malware to russia and china


@00:14:41 connections continue to build the map
@00:14:43 map provides the key key spreads the
@00:14:54 all look at the map if you don't know
@00:14:56 what the map is it's very easily found
@00:14:59 it's the map of like every bloodline
@00:15:08 another and the map provides the key so
@00:15:18 the map and then understand that that's


@00:06:43 out for yourself but it's of comey
@00:06:45 and he's it's james comey and he's with
@00:07:06 sense but if comey is a criminal then he
@00:07:19 was more of like oh you know comey has


@00:03:50 now i went through his twitter and there
@00:06:40 era killers twitter feet and check it

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

@00:17:24 this is gonna remind me of the ruth
@00:17:27 bader ginsburg post in the sense that i

North Korea

@00:03:26 to north korea you think i mean and when