deleted Q Hints It's Time for Arrests. Meadows States It's Time for Jail

from Dustin Nemos



@00:13:41 in his december report ig horowitz wrote
@00:14:32 page's russia contacts ig horowitz found
@00:14:47 reread horowitz g plus v


@00:07:24 we've seen epstein a high-level


@00:01:59 especially lately since this corona hoax
@00:19:33 the excuse that oh coronavirus made


@00:07:29 trafficking and


@00:00:00 indictments expected the cdc

Deep state

@00:00:17 dirty secrets of the deep state
@00:00:50 plus it deep cleans and destroys acne to
@00:00:54 the deep state has its secrets i have
@00:10:28 sally yates deep state fbi okay
@00:27:54 is scary to the deep state and to the


@00:09:56 has a twitter link and he says the swamp
@00:10:08 well let's check out the twitter first
@00:12:12 on twitter and somebody was posting the
@00:19:42 now here we have technofog on twitter i
@00:19:44 kind of miss being on twitter
@00:20:36 twitter says they're all about openness
@00:21:36 twitter you automatically get a ban
@00:26:43 twitter was a
@00:26:52 background on twitter uh every so often


@00:09:07 maybe there's a one-year delta in our
@00:12:00 three second delta we don't need to
@00:12:04 um it was a zero zero delta but


@00:20:39 uh they're led by a pedophile who brags


@00:13:16 about fisa gates through newly
@00:13:25 hashtag fisa newly declassified records
@00:13:55 the fisa applications
@00:13:57 then just before the final fisa june
@00:19:52 fisa um i think this is the one that was
@00:20:13 fisa issues
@00:20:19 fisa she's flying out of the radar


@00:25:54 general flynn
@00:26:02 flynn
@00:26:14 to see general flynn back in action
@00:26:38 flynn
@00:26:49 i think general flynn knows about the
@00:27:22 again flynn changes his banner to god
@00:27:38 general flynn is going to be
@00:28:32 flynn being the new thing they fear the
@00:29:20 but we know that general flynn is
@00:29:23 so flynn uploads his header at 11 42
@00:29:52 general flynn is in as i've been saying

Five Eyes

@00:23:10 702 non-702 five eyes non-five eyes we
@00:23:14 know that they were using the five eyes