US Using Psyop Propaganda To Explain What's Happening In Syria - Episode 787b

from X22Report



@00:06:18 are selling their ships into the china
@00:06:21 south sea to provoke china china is
@00:06:45 of china couldn't they have discussed
@00:07:16 been fighting china and russia in all
@00:08:12 problems just like when china all of a
@00:08:16 blamed everything on china but we're
@00:13:56 china north korea iran syria is not


@00:12:45 iran they killed a lot of people and of
@00:12:52 haven't heard anything from iran and now
@00:13:00 iran came out and said yeah we have no
@00:13:32 exploded in iran they're causing more
@00:13:56 china north korea iran syria is not
@00:21:21 iran just like in iraq just like in

North Korea

@00:13:56 china north korea iran syria is not


@00:12:48 the proof where is the satellite images

Saudi Arabia

@00:14:17 have now saudi arabia they are bringing