It’s Happening, Infrastructure Funding, More Tax Cuts, Think Transition - Episode 2248a

from X22Report


Deep state

@00:00:59 as the deep state keeps pushing the
@00:01:29 bank the deep state the mainstream media
@00:02:44 because the central bankers the deep
@00:02:46 state
@00:03:01 mainstream media deep state can do about
@00:03:04 when the central bank the deep state
@00:03:56 the deep state the mainstream media
@00:06:23 deep state
@00:07:36 central bank the deep state the major
@00:07:59 as the deep state keeps pushing the
@00:09:01 country along with the deep state in the
@00:13:58 the deep state had their way and the


@00:01:54 leads all the way up to the rothschild