The Pieces Are Falling Into Place, Follow The White Rabbit - Episode 1581b

from X22Report



@00:04:30 that russia and china they're holding
@00:04:41 so we can see that china and russia


@00:07:46 that's including iran and of course iran
@00:07:54 say to iran why don't you leave right
@00:10:01 main purpose was to remove iran so this


@00:12:48 me back to what soros said about needing

Deep state

@00:04:19 the islamic state take out al qaeda take
@00:04:27 of the deep state and we see already
@00:08:24 that they create what actually the deep
@00:08:26 state created in syria and this is on
@00:11:59 deep state is not going to like this
@00:16:41 unless the deep state comes along and
@00:17:05 i do believe the deep state they will

North Korea

@00:12:33 north korea and we see it happening all
@00:14:17 there's talks about north korea cyber
@00:15:25 happening with north korea well they
@00:16:46 they tried with north korea many many