New Revealing Q Clues Precede Camp David Meeting

from Truth and Art TV



@00:04:19 know that jeff sessions took care of the
@00:04:21 problem and that is what jeff sessions
@00:04:24 did session ku says why do sessions make
@00:04:31 jeff sessions launched and sessions is
@00:04:45 important jeff sessions understood that

Deep state

@00:02:49 ways that he's being used by the deep
@00:02:50 state and we've seen this before already
@00:14:27 that deep state is with maggie haberman
@00:15:57 out yeah the deep state is figuring out
@00:18:32 united nations the deep state we're
@00:19:04 deep state and the mainstream media on


@00:10:49 at can't david tomorrow one year delta
@00:11:49 one year delta that tells me that maybe


@00:08:41 underground truth movement and the left