President Trump Signs Anti Human Trafficking Legislation 1-9-2019

from Citizens Investigative Report


Human trafficking

@00:01:06 efforts to combat the scourge of human
@00:01:09 trafficking i spoke about it last night
@00:01:11 human trafficking it really hits a nerve
@00:03:02 hard on it anti trafficking and you know
@00:03:04 just so we understand human trafficking
@00:03:49 fight against human trafficking one of
@00:04:41 international human trafficking if we do
@00:05:28 year 2018 ice made more than 1,500 human
@00:05:32 trafficking arrests mostly sex
@00:06:00 i agree with you human trafficking is a
@00:06:30 these crimes while human trafficking
@00:06:35 domestically undoubtedly human
@00:06:37 trafficking and the criminals who engage
@00:06:53 exacerbates the incidents of human
@00:06:55 trafficking there is a broad bipartisan
@00:07:00 human trafficking
@00:07:08 can more effectively combat human
@00:07:10 trafficking we need a secure southern
@00:07:35 the prosecution of human trafficking
@00:07:44 human trafficking case where mexican
@00:08:17 and in all others the victims of human
@00:08:20 trafficking whose lives have been
@00:08:44 whether it's ms-13 drug trafficking or
@00:08:46 human trafficking that we're talking
@00:10:37 our border human trafficking cannot be
@00:11:31 everything i said for human trafficking
@00:12:53 worldwide problem human trafficking and
@00:16:14 it's human trafficking whether it's


@00:01:09 trafficking i spoke about it last night
@00:01:11 human trafficking it really hits a nerve
@00:02:53 anti trafficking bill yesterday i was
@00:03:02 hard on it anti trafficking and you know
@00:03:04 just so we understand human trafficking
@00:03:49 fight against human trafficking one of
@00:04:41 international human trafficking if we do
@00:05:32 trafficking arrests mostly sex
@00:05:35 trafficking i'd like to ask acting
@00:05:47 trafficking organization that was brutal
@00:06:00 i agree with you human trafficking is a
@00:06:30 these crimes while human trafficking
@00:06:37 trafficking and the criminals who engage
@00:06:55 trafficking there is a broad bipartisan
@00:07:00 human trafficking
@00:07:10 trafficking we need a secure southern
@00:07:35 the prosecution of human trafficking
@00:07:44 human trafficking case where mexican
@00:07:47 nationals were engaged in trafficking
@00:08:20 trafficking whose lives have been
@00:08:44 whether it's ms-13 drug trafficking or
@00:08:46 human trafficking that we're talking
@00:10:37 our border human trafficking cannot be
@00:11:31 everything i said for human trafficking
@00:12:53 worldwide problem human trafficking and
@00:16:14 it's human trafficking whether it's