Rep. Goodlatte Acknowledges Huber! (And a follow up)

from Tracy Beanz



@00:08:35 with michael horowitz sean hannity is
@00:09:41 ig report from michael horowitz


@00:09:45 andrew mccabe the number two deputy
@00:10:41 regard to andrew mccabe we will see that
@00:12:33 between grassley and rae and and mccabe


@00:09:51 jim comey has been taunting the
@00:10:05 comey


@00:11:55 there going to be indictments first and
@00:11:59 gonna do indictments after i think at


@00:09:01 sessions appointed one he's even better
@00:10:13 all the attorney general jeff sessions


@00:09:53 president on twitter basically taking

Inspector General

@00:10:13 all the attorney general jeff sessions
@00:10:21 also being looked into by the inspector
@00:10:22 general
@00:10:26 he can make referrals for the inspector
@00:10:30 general can make referrals for
@00:11:16 matters beyond what the inspector
@00:11:19 general does i will talk more about this
@00:12:25 we'll be getting out of this inspector
@00:12:26 general this is the mid-year exam


@00:10:15 did appoint united states attorney huber
@00:10:47 mr. hubert or do we need somebody who is
@00:10:53 mr. huber got the matter outside of what