Stopping Government Corruption

from prayingmedic



@00:40:27 probably china and russia we get


@00:38:54 uranium fiasco hillary and the israel
@00:39:27 uranium things the gold mining companies

Human trafficking

@00:36:24 human trafficking bits that have already
@00:36:28 the human trafficking i assume that
@00:42:23 yet asked about the human trafficking


@00:02:12 to expose child trafficking and other
@00:02:37 child sex trafficking or kidnapping and
@00:02:55 trafficking iii always ask these
@00:03:47 trafficking none of this was on my radar
@00:11:53 trafficking and there is all this stuff
@00:35:59 trafficking money laundering bribery
@00:36:24 human trafficking bits that have already
@00:36:28 the human trafficking i assume that
@00:42:23 yet asked about the human trafficking


@00:09:57 to fbi fbi has a copy of it james comey
@00:10:15 another issue but as we all know comey
@00:37:57 before comey had made a decision about
@00:38:20 evidence to indict comey has been trying

Spirit cooking

@00:12:26 spirit cooking of sex crimes money
@00:29:23 who it has the reference two-spirit
@00:29:27 cooking that came out a couple weeks
@00:29:32 spirit cooking go on do a little
@00:29:42 spirit cooking is bad juju so there is


@00:05:55 of twitter that i posted because i was i
@00:12:55 themselves now you can go to his twitter


@00:16:54 pedophile and he had raped hundreds of
@00:17:25 his pedophile activity but other people
@00:17:41 of covering up pedophile crimes
@00:17:45 pedophile i am asking was why are there
@00:32:28 the pedophile logos on the signage you
@00:34:45 politicians who have a pedophile ring

Pizza gate

@00:01:09 controversy known as pizza gate you will
@00:01:33 about the scandal known as pizza gate i
@00:01:47 that people have about pizza gate if you
@00:01:53 pizza gate i would ask you to tune in
@00:02:20 to pizza gate or not so as some of you
@00:04:02 have our focus on pizza gate it takes
@00:04:18 about pizza gate it's not about sorry
@00:04:45 like the way that pizza gate has been
@00:05:22 information surrounding pizza gate
@00:14:03 another question since the pizza gate
@00:14:13 published articles debunking pizza gate
@00:15:18 pizza gate the very first one which is
@00:18:03 that came out and said nothing to pizza
@00:18:05 gate nothing to see here keep going


@00:12:19 november 4th general flynn started
@00:12:37 general flynn happens to be donald
@00:12:42 adviser flynn knows everything about
@00:12:49 flynn knows what's going on okay and he
@00:13:07 now people could might say ok flynn is
@00:13:23 before the election and maybe flynn was
@00:13:33 that are really listening to flynn are
@00:30:12 flynn said you guys need to be
@00:44:27 that's why general flynn told people you

Saudi Arabia

@00:38:49 answer saudi arabia visits and donations