Tom Hanks is a ... (let's check Twitter and find out)

from Bill Smith News



@00:04:45 and a pal of jeffrey epstein and was on
@00:05:50 you can see epstein didn't kill himself


@00:01:51 learned is that twitter has cleaned up
@00:02:24 this so i went to twitter and i typed in
@00:03:14 is all over twitter man all over this is
@00:07:40 caused a stir on twitter and they gave


@00:00:46 claims tom hanks is a pedophile wild
@00:03:13 pedophile that's what it says here this
@00:03:19 pedophile everyone will say it together
@00:03:21 tom hanks is a pedophile replying to nbc
@00:03:26 tom hanks is a pedophile i for an eight
@00:03:29 replying to cnn tom hanks is a pedophile
@00:04:39 is going down so tom hanks a pedophile
@00:04:55 pedophile just wait till it comes out
@00:05:01 of it tom hanks is a pedophile
@00:05:09 is a hack tom hanks is a pedophile tom
@00:05:40 liberal he's a phony he's a pedophile
@00:09:07 a pedophile sex ring the leader of it


@00:06:01 isaac happy death scenario pretty well