Starbucks Symbolism Is VERY Demonic! :coded:

from TRUreporting



@00:15:54 happened with epstein they are all


@00:03:42 one frederic brennan the previous
@00:04:00 watch brennan launch d platforming
@00:04:34 former owner being fred brennan and guys
@00:04:51 this has been brennan getting two cows
@00:06:57 brennan in the corporate complicity of
@00:08:24 brennan he's been utterly unable to stop

William Barr

@00:03:01 have to do is go into the search bar on

Spirit cooking

@00:10:24 against humanity children's spirit
@00:10:26 cooking everything like that they're


@00:16:19 follow me on twitter at true reporting
@00:17:01 on twitter i'll keep you guys informed