WHY? = "We knew then. We know now."

from JustInformed Talk ™️



@00:39:26 loretta lynch andrew mccabe nelly or and


@00:12:54 china russia send everyone you know hey


@00:11:47 you look at the election heat map here
@00:11:49 and you compare it to this map that
@00:12:37 comparison to the voting heat map right


@00:42:04 head of john brennan said
@00:42:24 besides it's my best john brennan a


@00:39:21 xbox chat logs it says james comey
@00:39:47 interesting comey had sensitive fbi
@00:39:59 that comey had sensitive fbi emails on
@00:40:26 comey private gmail account were so
@00:42:36 jim james comey and comb he's like yes
@00:43:18 about james comey and his gmail's he's


@00:16:02 that jeff sessions has resigned well
@00:26:35 me back to jeff sessions being removed

Deep state

@00:15:48 deep state swamp whatever you want to


@00:34:46 ap twitter account and it says sheep no
@00:35:01 twitter status for the associated press

Pizza gate

@00:21:49 cue strange pizza gate on bath salts oh

North Korea

@00:37:45 north korea why was eric schmidt in
@00:37:46 north korea what private network did he
@00:37:49 set up in north korea and eric schmidt
@00:37:54 is who else was in north korea during
@00:38:00 why would north korea i allow access to
@00:38:22 up these private networks through north
@00:38:23 korea where they could basically have


@00:33:01 flynn admiral rogers others involved who