The Countdown Has Begun, The Deep State Has No Option - Episode 1485b

from X22Report



@00:01:43 fbi deputy director andrew mccabe

Deep state

@00:01:07 deep state has no option let's get into
@00:01:16 deep state they really have no options
@00:01:27 it's all coming down around the deep
@00:01:31 state and really there's no way out for
@00:03:42 are the mouthpiece of the deep state the
@00:08:45 controlling everything we're the deep
@00:08:48 state where all of this leads and we
@00:10:21 that the deep state the cabal they have
@00:13:22 number of options the deep state has
@00:16:11 whatever but these people in the deep
@00:16:13 state they might say we can't let this
@00:16:25 the options the deep state might use we

false flag

@00:12:54 we are in the clear with this false flag


@00:02:33 trump has received the fisa memo right

North Korea

@00:10:37 the case that north korea the regime of
@00:10:41 north korea is closing the gap in
@00:11:10 happening here north korea can fire a