Qanon - VIP Anon, the Signifier, Trump Trolls Ryan

from Citizens Investigative Report



@00:05:46 soros related perhaps in the kill box
@00:07:33 different things i think soros was noted


@00:22:11 kind of go over sessions and hueber
@00:22:20 we got to remember too that sessions has


@00:02:57 twitter feed he says this all started by
@00:06:15 hard time on twitter i'm telling you
@00:11:24 the ones oh he gives his own twitter
@00:11:34 hate to look at his twitter status

Red october

@00:11:08 he even says back in september red
@00:11:11 october stay tuned and watch q+ 2119 oh

Inspector General

@00:20:47 the fisa report from the inspector
@00:20:48 general supposed to come out i think


@00:20:47 the fisa report from the inspector


@00:06:07 cube proof we have this is amazing right