US And The Coalition Forces Are Pushing A New Plan To Derail Peace In Syria - Episode 865b

from X22Report



@00:18:15 and eventually china is on the other


@00:12:49 create chaos between iran and saudi


@00:02:47 twitter using their cell phone they will

false flag

@00:01:15 they feel once we push this false flag
@00:03:34 creating this false flag to push the
@00:08:54 as a false flag and of course the us
@00:15:38 saw a false flag in turkey and as soon
@00:17:47 same so we saw a false flag event which

North Korea

@00:10:00 equipment in the baltics oh north korea
@00:10:17 in more military assets south korea up
@00:10:25 started to provoke north korea so you

Saudi Arabia

@00:12:49 create chaos between iran and saudi
@00:12:52 arabia we see the syrian opposition is