As The World Economies Collapse The Shadow Of War Is Upon The World -- Episode 347

from X22Report



@00:23:57 is the encircling of china they've been
@00:24:05 war breaks out china is a threat and
@00:40:54 iran israel would join in russia china
@00:41:35 actors like syria and iran russia china


@00:40:32 going to be very easy to get into iran
@00:40:44 china's back in them and iran would go
@00:40:46 to war with syria and if iran goes to
@00:40:54 iran israel would join in russia china
@00:41:18 iran again saying that they are a
@00:41:35 actors like syria and iran russia china


@00:22:18 and twitter and
@00:22:21 kibosh on youtube and twitter he got
@00:22:27 block twitter he did get twitter blog
@00:22:29 for a while then they released twitter

false flag

@00:02:54 are doing this with using false flag
@00:04:40 couldn't get that false flag event what
@00:21:56 implement this false flag which syria
@00:26:17 and false and then a synagogue was
@00:26:22 that false flag agenda soon you'll see
@00:30:09 using a false flag attack using chemical
@00:30:45 their cause they don't use false flag
@00:34:30 is fake we know it is a false flag now
@00:37:06 officers we also have the many false
@00:37:10 flag events that have been occurring in
@00:40:39 with some type of false flag event here


@00:37:04 going on and it's deep underground with

North Korea

@00:40:57 north korea with enjoined into the

Saudi Arabia

@00:35:49 fair now saudi arabia and france plan to
@00:35:57 elections saw saudi and french