deleted 2.16.20 - Trump Daytona 500, Bloomberg + Satan (HRC), Hannity says ARRESTS SOON!

from Dustin Nemos



@00:03:13 horowitz his report that james comey and


@00:01:02 shocked and surprised that andrew mccabe
@00:01:36 these charges that mccabe was facing are
@00:01:42 therefore lisa paige andrew mccabe all
@00:02:27 andrew mccabe there was no
@00:03:16 even andrew mccabe said no no no wait a
@00:06:44 doj prosecutor who let andrew mccabe


@00:02:47 know is that john durham is focusing
@00:03:26 durham has expanded his probe to the


@00:04:50 anti-trump anti-american and pro-china


@00:09:09 is a corona virus and that needs to do


@00:02:50 very closely on john brennan and the cia
@00:03:02 brennan testified under oath to trey
@00:03:19 brennan did say he used it in the


@00:03:13 horowitz his report that james comey and


@00:06:49 sweetheart deal to enron awan remember
@00:06:51 the awan brothers and the spying and

Deep state

@00:00:40 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:43 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:06:41 the next one deep state justice the same
@00:11:46 talked about the players in the deep
@00:11:48 state all this way before fake news even

Seth Rich

@00:04:07 news about seth rich they shut him down