The Patriots Have Timed Everything Perfectly, Economic News Coming Soon - Episode 2005a

from X22Report



@00:05:33 needed to put pressure on china and the
@00:05:39 united states or push them out of china

Deep state

@00:01:31 deep state this is an all-out assault
@00:01:39 deep state you name it and if you notice
@00:02:35 yes the central bankers the deep state
@00:05:35 deep state and the central bankers the
@00:06:16 it is guarding the central bank deep
@00:06:19 state elite system in the middle east
@00:07:32 the central bank system the deep state
@00:14:41 deep state just like we're watching


@00:05:15 canada and mexico to make a north