deleted The Everything Bubble is About to Smash into the Side of a Mountain. Please Warn your loved Ones

from Dustin Nemos



@00:25:27 issuer in china so this is china
@00:25:50 growth across china where they're
@00:26:00 china is over we have here the blue line

William Barr

@00:12:06 bar is the japanese market are the
@00:19:47 happened since 2008 that fat gray bar is
@00:22:46 black bar almost doubled and hang on my
@00:22:52 remind me later okay sorry the black bar
@00:23:01 bar between 2008 through 2003 and 2008
@00:24:25 this red bar at the top is what their
@00:26:06 recession bar right at two thousand


@00:13:20 facebook and big big tech google twitter