Why Are They Pushing This Story Now?

from JustInformed Talk ™️



@00:25:20 and flying to china and but they don't


@00:19:42 brennan listed the names of other people
@00:19:57 brennan now what is the connection
@00:19:59 between bruce or and john brennan well
@00:20:15 tandem with john brennan being that she
@00:20:37 brennan that then was branched out to
@00:21:02 connection to john brennan right and
@00:21:14 christopher steele john brennan barack


@00:23:17 forms twitter when he has these gems of
@00:23:22 insightful his tweet his twitter account
@00:31:04 find me on twitter of course where you
@00:31:11 twitter at justin underscore formed on
@00:31:14 twitter and that's a cool way you can

Inspector General

@00:16:46 inspector general it talks about their
@00:17:06 of the inspect office of the inspector
@00:17:08 general initiated this investigation
@00:18:01 the office of inspector general is
@00:22:15 the office of inspector general that's

Time machine

@00:09:05 right we take the time machine back to


@00:18:31 the fisa that was obtained through the
@00:18:41 fisa judge to get the warrant to surveil


@00:25:26 to i don't know like mexico and voting

Five Eyes

@00:21:23 helper and most all of all the five eyes


@00:11:42 proof there's a video nothing has been