deleted Jan 27 News - Q Anon Is Posting and The Deep State Is Panicking

from prayingmedic


Human trafficking

@00:05:33 human trafficking and corruption qi said


@00:05:33 human trafficking and corruption qi said


@00:08:13 people in the fbi and doj now sessions
@00:08:26 is in a war with jeff sessions because
@00:08:31 sessions as head of the doj and and
@00:08:34 they're their narrative is sessions
@00:08:39 does therefore trump and sessions are at
@00:08:44 on trump doesn't trust sessions sessions
@00:09:02 isn't between trump and sessions the
@00:09:16 problems with trumpet sessions we don't
@00:09:18 have problems with trumpet sessions

Deep state

@00:06:19 that so speaking of the deep state
@00:06:33 the two outlets that the deep state
@00:06:43 whenever the deep state wants to
@00:08:11 there are still a lot of deep state
@00:09:04 words between trump and the deep state
@00:09:19 that's all a buncha lies it's deep state
@00:12:49 oh the deep state again alright so i
@00:19:08 the deep state and put it all in a


@00:01:27 discussion of sean hannity's twitter
@00:01:49 head of his twitter account q is talking
@00:04:47 tonight my twitter timeline if that's
@00:05:54 twitter researcher and that's on my
@00:05:55 twitter time if i'm going to go there
@00:06:13 twitter timeline and check out galactic
@00:16:59 follow at cnn on twitter or washington

false flag

@00:05:05 if that's a false flag i'm not sure oh

Saudi Arabia

@00:02:26 that's one of my news headlines saudi
@00:02:39 saudi arabia he got free today a bunch