deleted Qanon December 28, 2017 - Who Is Q Clearance Patriot?

from prayingmedic



@00:20:55 was connected to uranium one well i


@00:39:31 trafficking and drug at running


@00:19:37 with the rothschilds george soros the
@00:20:04 george soros and they're related people
@00:39:58 hilary and saros george soros doesn't


@00:38:58 has been put on steroids sessions has
@00:41:13 that sessions rounded up ms-13 now
@00:41:18 earlier this year sessions made a big
@00:41:30 criticizing sessions because he was
@00:44:40 criticizing jeff sessions they've been

Deep state

@00:27:23 deep state and all these other


@00:09:23 twitter you're on a pretty equal level i
@00:09:36 gonna see other things twitter will
@00:11:33 twitter maybe look at going to youtube
@00:12:15 mostly active on twitter right now and
@00:29:03 and twitter trying to help people
@00:41:27 follow on twitter and periscope were
@00:46:27 gets up on twitter in the morning at 4
@00:47:25 posted this on twitter the greatest


@00:31:39 they were landing at gitmo and some of
@00:32:23 to gitmo and they're being questioned
@00:32:29 showed up at gitmo about five days ago
@00:32:38 into gitmo and now we have anonymous
@00:43:56 soldiers at gitmo yesterday the defense
@00:44:02 gitmo are still talking about trump's
@00:45:37 gitmo i'm gonna fill that place up with


@00:24:25 the end also q had posted a tl delta so
@00:24:35 delta is it delta airlines is atlanta
@00:24:55 the hub of delta airlines and there
@00:33:19 so in one of the queue posts delta right
@00:33:22 what is delta well delta is an airline
@00:33:24 but delta is also a camp at guantanamo
@00:33:27 bay right camp delta so i just find it


@00:19:24 pedophile rings and that by the way is
@00:19:43 pedophile elites in washington in
@00:20:34 the pedophile rings and what that fbi

Pizza gate

@00:19:22 people refer to as pizza gate the

North Korea

@00:17:55 articles from north korea our south


@00:12:35 general flynn some people have asked is