Patriots Are Now Dismantling & Defunding The [DS], Messages Transmitted - Episode 1899b

from X22Report



@00:16:30 durham and shadow investigators now


@00:02:07 brought up into turkey and iran took
@00:16:37 iran now the mainstream media they've
@00:16:42 ready to attack iran and then he called
@00:16:53 desperate and terrible deal with iran
@00:16:57 dollars in cash iran was in big trouble
@00:17:06 iran yelled death to america i
@00:17:53 night iran can never have nuclear
@00:19:02 iran had been authorized
@00:19:56 cash to iran and nobody in congress the
@00:20:21 eu sanctions iran
@00:22:24 the attack on iran but then everything
@00:24:12 attack iran the patriots got exactly
@00:27:57 north korea i believe iran they're


@00:03:22 dnc server wikileaks crowdstrike and he
@00:03:28 crowdstrike and we know from all of this


@00:05:12 muddle james comey senate testimony
@00:05:25 fired comey
@00:06:19 information comey testified that abaddon
@00:06:30 privately acknowledged that comey
@00:06:36 of emails by 8:56 a.m. comey chief of
@00:07:46 he was working on about james comey and
@00:07:58 this information showed that comey had

William Barr

@00:08:37 that i bet your bill barr does now trump
@00:16:26 ah yes attorney general bill barr huber

Deep state

@00:00:43 defining the deep state messages
@00:00:57 deep state right now the patriots they
@00:01:03 defunding the deep state operatives and
@00:01:51 right now in syria the islamic state
@00:01:56 which was a deep state paid mercenary
@00:02:53 happening right now to the deep state
@00:04:51 apart and right now the deep state is
@00:14:19 it's almost like the islamic state when
@00:14:22 the us i should say the deep state
@00:21:48 media the deep state politicians that
@00:21:57 broadcasting that deep state players
@00:23:44 ahead and made additional moves the deep
@00:23:46 state started to talk to each other the
@00:23:50 deep stake the rogue elements are on the
@00:24:00 to war no it was about exposing the deep
@00:24:03 state removing the black site removing
@00:24:09 the deep state all took the bait that
@00:25:27 going to use this against the deep state
@00:25:36 now the deep state they've been sending
@00:26:27 a message to the deep state here's her
@00:27:16 think about those deep state operatives

North Korea

@00:22:30 air it almost reminds me of the north
@00:22:37 directly to north korea and there was
@00:22:41 north then then the the ship the
@00:22:49 direct an aircraft carrier over to north
@00:22:51 korea but let's continue ask yourself
@00:27:54 much almost the same thing in north
@00:27:56 korea it was a little bit easier in
@00:27:57 north korea i believe iran they're


@00:16:26 ah yes attorney general bill barr huber


@00:16:21 just more proof and again who's looking