Intelligence Reports Indicate The Deep State Is Pushing Their Agenda - Episode 1270b

from X22Report



@00:14:09 they're surrounded by russia china south
@00:14:23 if they fired a missile into china or
@00:16:42 it looks like the philippines and china
@00:17:19 cozying up to china and do-dirty
@00:17:28 state in the south china sea where they
@00:17:34 china well that has completely died down
@00:17:46 that china is giving north korea one


@00:02:50 now comey was in front of the congress
@00:03:17 in public james comey refused to confirm

Deep state

@00:01:01 intelligence reports indicate the deep
@00:01:03 state is pushing their agenda now before
@00:16:20 seeing here is that the deep state they
@00:16:39 happening in the deep state is trying to
@00:17:26 just pretty much decapitated the deep
@00:17:28 state in the south china sea where they
@00:17:52 deep state and the deep state wants war
@00:18:02 trying to be calmed down but the deep
@00:18:04 state they don't want it to be calmed
@00:19:59 now the deep state is not going to like
@00:22:38 watch that very carefully now the deep
@00:22:40 state they don't want this to happen and
@00:23:56 that the deep state they are basically

false flag

@00:22:47 be signaling another false flag another
@00:23:32 where it's going to be set up as a false
@00:23:35 flag because we know the white helmets

North Korea

@00:04:17 three days they knew it was north korea
@00:13:28 now with north korea we can see the
@00:13:34 to provoke north korea they launched
@00:13:58 signal to show north korea what we're
@00:14:26 south korea that country would be
@00:14:34 north korea into doing something now the
@00:14:43 drone into north korea to monitor their
@00:15:10 it's going to fly into north korea it
@00:15:22 out they're going to find out that north
@00:15:24 korea is doing the same thing they've
@00:15:42 north korea and he went on to say that
@00:16:23 ready to go into north korea they would
@00:16:26 love to go into north korea but nothing
@00:17:39 contact with north korea even though
@00:17:46 that china is giving north korea one


@00:04:52 rothschild central banking system and
@00:05:36 wants to get rid of the rothschild
@00:06:03 now mccrone he is a former rothschild