Call the Ball - Buckle Up Here We Go

from Citizens Investigative Report



@00:15:32 the first astronaut mission with nasa


@00:14:24 posts about the corona virus were very
@00:33:27 what happened to that to the corona


@00:25:31 activists known as antifa as domestic
@00:33:42 so 43 62 gives us the antifa flags again


@00:15:30 this one spacex will attempt to launch
@00:15:54 made this article about spacex the other
@00:16:03 am on elon musk and spacex and the qsq
@00:16:12 with post 211 saying north korea spacex

William Barr

@00:04:26 ag bar and general milley was there and
@00:04:38 secretary esper and ag bar but i won't
@00:05:56 element of this protest ag bar has noted
@00:20:45 that now by now that you know ag bar and
@00:27:21 g bar in many places it appears the
@00:36:43 attorney general p bar statement on
@00:36:48 general p attorney general william p bar
@00:39:08 you know trump president trump a ag bar


@00:13:46 i mean twitter accounts are getting
@00:18:41 twitter now we we've got a hope but
@00:34:04 then we have this twitter status from
@00:40:48 corticon he's the twitter thing is still
@00:40:55 because it violated twitter rules but he
@00:42:11 twitter so but their account didn't get
@00:44:36 43 68 starts with a twitter status that
@00:48:43 him tweet to him so here's his twitter


@00:47:37 president to the underground bunker used

North Korea

@00:16:12 with post 211 saying north korea spacex


@00:33:13 all crazy you could see their proof that
@00:37:13 if they didn't have the proof and he


@00:42:59 this for scalia i built a great company