ElectionEveMessage - A Vote For Democrats Is A Vote For Child Sex Trafficking

from Liz Crokin



@00:00:28 torture trafficking and murdering of
@00:00:44 exposing child sex trafficking elite
@00:00:56 is the party of child sex trafficking
@00:01:20 support the trafficking of children or
@00:01:30 are tied in to child sex trafficking in
@00:01:36 trafficking kids themselves and raping
@00:01:53 trafficking and many of these demon
@00:01:59 trafficking rings period now yes there
@00:02:11 me an able child sex trafficking think
@00:02:23 that breaks up child sex trafficking
@00:02:40 are trafficking kids if you are finding
@00:03:26 trafficking these people literally
@00:04:48 child sex trafficking networks president
@00:05:30 sex trafficking show them my videos make

Spirit cooking

@00:03:08 will ferrell google then with spirit
@00:03:12 cooking google chelsea handler and will
@00:03:16 ferrell and the two words spirit cooking


@00:00:47 pedophile networks pedo gate pizza gate
@00:02:38 are using pedophile cold words and they
@00:03:47 responsible for the global pedophile

Pizza gate

@00:00:47 pedophile networks pedo gate pizza gate