The Bad Guys Are Grasping At Anything, Their Time Is Almost Up - Episode 1329b

from X22Report



@00:08:36 mccain he has called in for questioning
@00:09:12 mccain being questioned we have all eyes


@00:15:16 but against china against russia well
@00:16:35 that china is there we know that
@00:16:38 complete disaster in that area now china
@00:17:01 this is why china is out there saying


@00:13:38 israel is calling george soros a threat
@00:13:44 going after george soros now what i


@00:08:21 information that comey gave out this way
@00:09:16 on comey we have some type of


@00:12:04 lot more they want to see jeff sessions

Deep state

@00:01:52 looks like the deep state the elite
@00:07:27 corporate media the bad guys the deep
@00:07:30 state they love to tell you how bad it's
@00:09:35 out to the public and what the deep
@00:09:36 state is doing right now is they're
@00:16:20 try to push their agenda the deep state
@00:20:19 bad guys the deep state the central


@00:03:20 out on twitter and said here are the

North Korea

@00:07:48 they're great at telling you what north
@00:07:51 korea is doing even though they're not
@00:12:38 say north korean hacking they come out
@00:12:44 was north korea that that hacked sony
@00:15:12 now if we're using it against north
@00:15:15 korea it might be a little bit easier
@00:15:24 saying yeah this missile that north
@00:15:26 korea launched well it is not an icbm
@00:15:40 has reported that north korea does not
@00:15:58 intermediate-range missile that north
@00:16:01 korea tested pretty much what russia has
@00:16:27 north korea because they know what would
@00:16:29 happen if they went into north
@00:16:30 korea they know that this would turn out
@00:16:43 taking responsibility for north korea