Q Anon/News - Astrometry? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.29.18

from In Pursuit of Truth



@00:12:52 we know it was to china and that was

Able Danger

@00:12:21 always suggest a able danger field
@00:25:07 page of able danger this was published


@00:07:29 indictments this is where the whole

Deep state

@00:17:21 favorite deep state knuckleheads in a


@00:04:50 posted a video to my twitter i will show
@00:07:01 work on that i posted that to my twitter
@00:08:52 twitter and then it goes on to talk
@00:18:10 are over here on the twitter page of the
@00:31:43 i'm of course over here on twitter a
@00:31:45 type eot 1776 so if you are on twitter


@00:27:09 the reason the reason is gitmo tribunals

Field McConnell

@00:12:21 always suggest a able danger field
@00:12:24 mcconnell there he talks a lot about
@00:25:12 gobsmacked and field mcconnell if you're
@00:25:14 not familiar with field mcconnell he is
@00:29:26 indeed and i gotta say that field
@00:29:28 mcconnell is generally a very trusted