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from Dustin Nemos


Deep state

@00:23:52 offense after acquittal and the deep
@00:23:54 state is afraid or did we expect that
@00:34:30 to happen panic move by ds deep state


@00:00:34 shadow banned on twitter right now as we
@00:01:39 people are telling me on twitter right
@00:01:48 if you're on twitter tweet at par scale
@00:02:33 president trump on twitter that's a bad
@00:04:03 a desperation fear move by twitter so
@00:04:31 audience doesn't even use twitter but if
@00:04:32 you are on twitter please tweet
@00:04:37 twitter account it's just at par scale
@00:04:49 twitter
@00:05:09 on twitter and i can still see them in
@00:05:57 are big names involved and twitter you
@00:06:28 trump on twitter actively and you know
@00:08:36 which is his twitter handle at real
@00:09:06 trumping being shadow band on twitter
@00:10:05 on your twitter page if you want make it
@00:11:33 to him on twitter or something or email
@00:12:26 mean i put it on facebook twitter my
@00:13:06 twitter about this guys i'm not gonna
@00:14:20 twitter and just type anything at real
@00:15:28 banned on twitter oh we we have some i
@00:15:49 vandal and twitter in a very insidious
@00:16:24 think it's a sign of fear from twitter
@00:18:32 going to check twitter and see if anyone
@00:18:51 president trump's twitter feed is it
@00:19:43 see the new tweets for days on twitter
@00:19:50 responses on twitter and almost all of
@00:20:45 media get it out to facebook twitter
@00:22:24 you check your following your twitter
@00:22:47 twitter and trying to like get the
@00:24:46 shadow banning our president on twitter
@00:24:57 i know it's just twitter but this this
@00:26:08 your twitter accounts if you have one
@00:28:03 let me recheck twitter i'll be back
@00:29:40 twitter works you have to it's always
@00:30:31 being twitter banned or shadow banned on
@00:30:34 twitter about 70 or 80 and i'm
@00:30:55 something to change his twitter page
@00:32:28 twitter has messed with our president
@00:33:29 know that's not how twitter works no one
@00:35:49 shadow bandol and twitter many people
@00:36:20 which is real donald trump on twitter
@00:36:24 who don't know about twitter yet and you
@00:36:29 on twitter your profile and you can see
@00:36:39 twitter handle my post won't go up as
@00:36:50 going on on twitter actively right now
@00:39:09 to undo what twitter just did starting
@00:42:07 i wouldn't buy twitter stock eyes open
@00:43:38 right now on twitter i don't know how
@00:45:43 leader is not being censored on twitter
@00:46:28 even realized he's back yet on twitter
@00:46:57 banned on twitter right now as we speak
@00:47:28 to find them is in your your twitter
@00:48:02 twitter page and tweet at president


@00:38:48 see what we're doing right now is proof