A Reboot Of Western Civilization Is Being Planned For 2019! [Financial Reset]

from TRUreporting


Red Cross

@00:08:37 part of a i don't know like a red cross


@00:07:06 indictments in the us has reached the
@00:07:09 70,000 mark 70,000 indictments usually

Military tribunals

@00:02:37 upcoming military tribunals however what
@00:09:36 declassification military tribunals and
@00:11:22 concentrate on supervising the military
@00:11:24 tribunals i've heard a lot of people say
@00:12:57 promised military tribunals in january

Deep state

@00:04:43 terminate the deep state and the


@00:01:26 on twitter at true reporting and don't
@00:14:16 you can also follow me on twitter at
@00:14:37 youtube and also on twitter what i'm

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

@00:09:58 hater ruth bader ginsburg who comes to


@00:09:32 13 2019 during which time the fisa


@00:09:30 mike flynn has been delayed until march


@00:09:14 rothschild dupont iowa sake and other

Saudi Arabia

@00:08:06 criminal in charge in israel and saudi
@00:08:08 arabia are also going to face justice