deleted Qanon Interview 2.1.18 - With Dr. Jerome Corsi - Day of Days, Trump shifts to Offense

from Dustin Nemos



@00:06:07 you know news unlocks map and so clearly


@00:09:30 things like the uranium one or the hsbc

Human trafficking

@00:04:42 human trafficking and corruption
@00:13:26 pedal ring human trafficking at the
@00:13:58 again to this petal ring human
@00:14:00 trafficking at the standard hotel and a


@00:04:42 human trafficking and corruption
@00:13:26 pedal ring human trafficking at the
@00:14:00 trafficking at the standard hotel and a


@00:11:18 with comey they loved
@00:11:31 democrats hated comey a few days before

Deep state

@00:00:58 deep state and i'm going to include a
@00:01:07 recommend checking out killing the deep
@00:01:09 state which you can pre-order on the

false flag

@00:02:57 false flag and we should be expecting


@00:08:08 really unable to get any proof on this